
Material Flow

Material Flow

Environmental Impact of the Furukawa Electric Group in FY2022

We tallied data for Furukawa Electric, domestic group companies, and overseas group companies - a total of 93 companies.

Please see below for a list of all applicable companies.


Category Domestic Overseas Unit
Raw materials
Copper 132.3 110.3 1000t
Aluminum 8.1 19.4 1000t
Iron 3.1 11.9 1000t
Glass - 2.1 1000t
Plastic 26.4 54.8 1000t
Energy 6,568 7,079 TJ
Electricity  535 627 GWh
Purchased Electricity (except for renewable energy) 343 585 GWh
Purchased Electricity (renewable energy) 99 40 GWh
Private Power Generation (hydroelectric and solar) 94 2 GWh
City gas, Natural gas 15,411 18,732 1000m³
LPG,LNG 9.5 0.4 1000t
Fuel Oil (kerosene, light oil, heavy fuel oil A) 3,015 232 kℓ
Water 9,378 2,499 1000m³
Industrial water  6,628 56 1000m³
Groundwater 2,232 56 1000m³
Tap water 518 2,387 1000m³
Chemical substances
Volume handled*1 44.8 - 1000t
Cardboard, Wood, Paper 1.8 8.9 1000t
Plastic 0.02 4.81 1000t
Furukawa Electric 7 works, 31 domestic group companies and 54 overseas group companiesFurukawa Electric 7 works, 31 domestic group companies and 54 overseas group companies


Category Domestic Overseas Unit
Total waste generated*4 22.8 22.0 1000t
Final waste disposal 0.3 9.4 1000t
Recycling amount 22.6 12.5 1000t
Atmospheric emissions
CO2 218 316 1000t-CO₂
SF6 37 - 1000t-CO₂
SOx 6 - t
NOx 62 - t
Soot 3 - t
Chemical substances
Volume emitted 76 - t
Volume transferred 317 - t
Wastewater 8,160 1,919 1000m³
Wastewater Public waterways 7,687 689 1000m³
Rivers 6,994 187 1000m³
Sea 677 0 1000m³
Other 16 502 1000m³
Sewer 473 1,230 1000m³
BOD 34 - t
COD 32 - t
SS 31 - t
Volume of water recycled and reused 1,101 50 1000m³

*1 PRTR-listed substances

*2 Cardboard, wood, paper, and plastic used in product shipping

*3 Including valuable resources (Japan)

*4 Emissions off-site

DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 環境部