
Environmental Policy/Environmental Vision2050/Environmental Targets 2030

Environmental Policy

Furukawa Electric Group Basic Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

We, the employees of the Furukawa Electric Group, recognize that conservation of the global environment is a serious issue confronting the international community, and we pledge to contribute to a sustainable future for the world through technological innovation that utilizes our strength in advanced materials.

Action Guidelines

  1. We shall comply with environmental laws and regulations as well as the demands of our customers and others, setting ever higher environmental targets as we continuously improve our global environmental conservation efforts.
  2. We shall strive to develop products that are friendly to the Earth, and create new environmental businesses.
  3. We shall strive to reduce environmental risk by incorporating anti-climate change and resource conservation/recycling considerations, as well as a reduction in the use of environmental impact-causing substances, across the entire product lifecycle.
  4. We shall evaluate the ecological impact of all of our businesses, and strive for the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of resources.
  5. We will seek harmony with the natural environment and local communities through dialogue with our stakeholders.
DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 環境部

Environmental Vision

Furukawa Electric Group Environmental Vision 2050

Furukawa Electric Group formulated the Furukawa Electric Group Environmental Vision 2050 in February 2021, which looks ahead to the year 2050, in order to recognize long-term environmental issues and promote initiatives to solve them.

Environmental Vision 2050

Through the provision of environmentally friendly products and services and recycling-based production activities, contribute to the realization of a sustainable society throughout the value chain.

  • Contribute to realizing a carbon-free society

    Aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the value chain
    (Greenhouse gas emissions from business activities (Scope 1&2): Challenge target of zero emissions in 2050)

  • Contribute to realizing a recycling-based society for water & resources

    Minimize water usage, and promote the use of recycled materials, including waste plastic, throughout the value chain

  • Contribute to society in harmony with nature

    Minimize the impact on ecosystems through value chain management that includes raw materials

    Scope 1: Direct emissions from the company’s plants and offices

    Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the electrical power and heat paid by the company

DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 環境部

Environmental Targets 2030

Environmental Targets 2030

Furukawa Electric Group set Environmental Targets 2030 and makes efforts to contribute to a carbon-free society, a recycling-based society for water and resources, and a society in harmony with nature. In order to accelerate our efforts to achieve the Environmental Vision 2050, the Group raised our 2030 target to the SBT 1.5°C in November 2022 as the contribution to a carbon free society.

Environmental Targets 2030

  1. Contribute to a carbon-free society
    1. (1) Greenhouse gas emissions from business activities (Scope 1 & Scope 2): Reduce by at least 42% compared to FY2021
    2. (2) Greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain (Scope 3): Reduce by at least 25% compared to FY2021
  2. Contribute to realizing a recycling-based society for water and resources/Contribute to society in harmony with nature
    1. (1) Efficient use of water resource
      ・Water withdrawal: Reduce by at least 10% compared to FY2020 (per unit of net sales)
    2. (2) Efficient use of metals and plastics
      ・New material*1 consumption: Reduce by at least 10% compared to FY2020 (per unit of net sales)
      ・Single-use plastic*2 consumption: Reduce by at least 25% compared to FY2020 (total volume)

SBT*3 1.5°C certification was obtained for 1 (1) and (2) in July, 2023.

*1 New material: virgin materials for electrolytic copper, new aluminum ingots, and plastics, etc.

*2 Single-use plastic: disposable plastics used in containers, plastic bags, etc.

*3 SBT: Science Based Target.

DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室