Furukawa Electric Group’s Sustainability

Contribution to the SDGs

Furukawa Electric Group’s efforts towards the SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established in 2001, and are international goals for a sustainable and better world by 2030, as stated in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" adopted unanimously by the member states at the UN Summit in September 2015. It consists of 17 goals and 169 targets, and pledges to "leave no one behind" on the planet.

SDGs and the Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030

The DNA of the Group is based on the words of the founder Mr. Ichibei Furukawa: "Value employees, value customers, value new technology, and contribute to society." We believe this idea will lead to the ESG management and SDGs adopted by the United Nations. With these thoughts of the founder and the SDGs in mind, we have formulated the Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030 (hereinafter "Vision 2030"). Vision 2030 shows the ideal state of the Group in 2030 when the SDGs are achieved, considering that we aim to solve international and regional social issues associated with the Group. The Group will achieve Vision 2030 and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by addressing the important management issues (material issues) that must be addressed in order to achieve Vision 2030.

Consideration of SDGs Priority Issues Based on Value Chain Mapping

We proceed and identify what SDGs we should focus on to deal with. In order to do that, we examine which part our current major products contribute to the 17 goals and 169 targets of the SDGs using the value chain mapping of the SDG Compass. Here are some examples of the results of identification with significant impacts or distinctive characteristics.

Communications Solutions - Optical fiber & cable products

〈Increasing positive impacts〉
Optical fiber and cable products will contribute to the development and expansion of sustainable and robust communication infrastructure, as well as safe and resilient urban development, in light of the progress of 5G technology and the further increase in communication traffic caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
〈Minimizing negative impacts〉
As we recognize that reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the manufacturing process is an important issue, we promote various measures such as energy saving at manufacturing plants.

Energy Infrastructure - Submarine transmission cables for offshore wind power generation

〈Increasing positive impacts〉
We will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society by supplying and laying submarine and underground cables, which are indispensable for building interconnections between renewable energy power sources such as offshore wind power generation and power grids.
〈Minimizing negative impacts〉
In the process of laying submarine cables, we take care to minimize the impact on the marine environment.

Automotive Products - Aluminum wire harnesses

〈Increasing positive impacts〉
The use of wire harnesses that use aluminum wires, which are lighter than copper, contributes to the realization of a decarbonized society by reducing the weight of automobiles and improving energy consumption through an improvement in fuel efficiency.
〈Minimizing negative impacts〉
With regard to energy use in the manufacturing process, we promote an improvement in the ratio of renewable energy use, in addition to energy saving at manufacturing plants.

Electronics Component Materials - Oxygen-free copper wire

〈Increasing positive impacts〉
Oxygen-free copper wire is used in drive motors for electric and hybrid vehicles. The use of this product improves the efficiency of clean energy utilization and contributes to the realization of a decarbonized society.
〈Minimizing negative impacts〉
In the manufacturing process, we increase the percentage of recycled copper and make effective use of natural resources.

Functional Products - Thermal products

〈Increasing positive impacts〉
Thermal products with high-performance heat dissipation and cooling mechanisms improve the efficiency of energy consumption and reduce running costs at data centers.
This is one of the applications of these products and the positive impact in terms of power consumption has attracted worldwide attention. They also contribute to high-speed and high-capacity communication.
〈Minimizing negative impacts〉
With regard to energy use in the manufacturing process, we promote an improvement in energy saving and the ratio of renewable energy use at manufacturing subsidiaries.

Working with Local Communities to Achieve SDGs

Furukawa Electric promotes the following initiatives.

  • Registration with the Japanese Cabinet Office's "Public-Private Partnership Platform for Local SDGs"
  • Registration as the Tochigi Prefecture SDGs Promotion Company
  • Registration as the Kanagawa Prefecture SDGs Partner
  • Registration as the Mie Prefecture SDGs Partner

Activities to Advance Employees’ Understanding of SDGs

We believe it is important for all employees to work together and to work on material issues to achieve Vision 2030 and SDGs. The first step to achieving that goal is to understand SDGs. The second step is to make each employee aware of the connection between their daily work and SDGs. The third step is to put our heads together and share ideas for how to solve social issues. To advance these processes, we offer employee training every month such as distribution of e-learning programs and articles about SDGs on the intranet. 

DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室