
Leadership/team mindset (organization × awareness/mindset/culture)

Leadership and team mind (organization × awareness / mindset / culture)

Basic Policy

In order to achieve our basic policy* (3) “Nurture Furukawa Electric Group’s culture where teams accomplish things to the end,” we are working on leadership transformation initiatives.

Furukawa Electric’s Seven Principles for Leaders

In an environment of rapid change and high uncertainty, it is necessary for us to ensure the psychological safety of team members and achieve results as a team when it comes to going about continuously generating corporate value. In 2020, with the aim of forming organizations which produce results as teams, we established Furukawa Electric’s Seven Principles for Leaders, which consists of one basic mindset and six action principles for leaders to build good working teams. We implement leadership training, have executives and managers (at the level of section manager and above) provide “action declarations” to those around them and subsequently put the content thereof into practice on a daily basis. We also have 360-degree feedback provided to facilitate further changes when it comes to action.

Adherence to the Furukawa Seven has been practiced by about 500 officers and general managers of Furukawa Electric and Group companies in Japan since fiscal 2020, and by a total of about 1,300 employees including managers since fiscal 2021. In addition, we ask other regular employees to make efforts similar to those of their leaders, as they are pre-positioned to understand the leader’s efforts, and support and cooperate with them. We also make various efforts to work together as openly as possible and encourage each other, under the concept of enjoying change, taking on challenges, and accomplishing them.

With three years having passed since the start of the initiative, the results of Furukawa E-Surveys* have confirmed for us that the relationships existing among team members have improved. Going forward, we will focus on the connection between team activities and results, and accelerate our efforts to further strengthen teamwork.

DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 人材・組織開発部 人材教育課