In order to achieve Furukawa Electric Group’s Vision 2030 and Medium-term Management Plan 2022–2025 (the “2025 Medium-term Plan”), we set sustainability indicators and targets in each material issue, and aim to increase corporate value in terms of both revenue opportunities and risks.
Material issue | Sustainability indicator | Scope | Result | Target (Reference value) | |||||
FY2023 | FY2023 | FY2024 | FY2025 | FY2030 | |||||
Revenue opportunity | Creating businesses that solve the social issues | Sales ratio of environmentally friendly products | Group | 65.9% | 66% | 68% | 70% | - | |
Open, Agile, Innovative/ Building partnerships with various stakeholders | R&D expense growth rate for new businesses (compared to FY2021) | (Compared to FY2021) | Group | 121% | 125% | 125% | 125% | - | |
Implementation rate of IP landscaping for strengthening the businesses and themes for creating new businesses | Group | 77% | 45% | 100% *1*2 |
- *3 |
- | |||
Risk | Developing business activities that consider climate change | GHG emissions reduction rate (Scopes 1&2) | (Compared to FY2017) | Group | -45.4% | -21.2% | (-39%) *4 |
(-42%) *4 |
(-59%) *4 |
(Compared to FY2021) | - | - | -14.0% | -18.7% | -42% | ||||
Ratio of renewable energy use to total consumption | Group | 31.6% | 12% | 25% | 30% | - | |||
Strengthening human capital and organizational execution abilities | Employee engagement scores*5 | Furukawa Electric | 63 | 65 | - | - | - | ||
Group | 76 | - | 77 | 80 | 85 | ||||
Ratio of female managers | Furukawa Electric | 5.4% | 5% | 6% | 7% | 15% | |||
Ratio of mid-career hires in total new hires*6 | Furukawa Electric | 48.8% | 30% *7 |
30% *7 |
30% *7 |
- | |||
Building a governance system to strengthen risk management | Ratio of follow-up on risk management activities for all risk domains | Group | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | - | ||
Ratio of SAQ implementation based on the CSR Procurement Guidelines for major suppliers | Group | 65% | 40% | 70% | 100% | - | |||
Implementation rate of human rights training for managerial positions | Group | 100% | 100% *8 |
100% *8 |
100% *8 |
- |
*1 This means that all projects have been implemented with respect to the business enhancement and new business creation themes set as of 2022.
*2 Target value for 2025 has been brought forward.
*3In FY2025, we plan to add and implement an important theme for strengthening business and creating new businesses.
*4 Base year in and after FY2024 was updated to FY2021; the reduction target value when applied to the former base year of FY2017 is also shown for reference purposes.
*5 The scope was expanded to cover all group companies in Japan and abroad in FY2023, and the target was changed from Furukawa Electric's target to Furukawa Electric Group’s target.
*6 New hires represent new graduates and mid-career hires, covering management, career-track, and clerical positions.
*7 This means that about 30% will be maintained in each fiscal year.
*8 This means that 100% globally for each fiscal year will be continued.