Furukawa Electric Group’s Sustainability

Value Creation Process

Value Creation Process Directed at Achieving the Vision 2030

Furukawa Electric Group conducts corporate activities based on the Furukawa Electric Group Purpose, the Core Values, and Furukawa Electric Group CSR Code of Conduct. We will surely execute the Medium-term Management Plan 2022–2025 (the “2025 Medium-term Plan”), which is formulated by the dual approach of backcasting from Furukawa Electric Group Vision that defines the ideal state of the Group in 2030 (the “Vision 2030”) and forward-looking from the present.
In the 2025 Medium-term Plan, we defined the ideal state in FY2025 for each identified material issue, formulated measures to realize them, and set sustainability indicators/targets to measure the progress. For realizing sustainable growth of Furukawa Electric Group and medium- to long-term growth of corporate value, we will strengthen and create businesses mindful of capital efficiency and strengthen the management foundation directed at reducing capital costs.

Furukawa Electric Group’s Strengths and Business Model

Furukawa Electric Group has enhanced capabilities for development and making proposals, without being limited to specific markets and with its four core technologies—metals, polymers, photonics and high-frequency—centered on capabilities to handle materials. Through these capabilities, we have gained the trust of customers. In an “Open, Agile, Innovative” manner, we will promote to build a new business model by enhancing our strengths, including utilization of intellectual property, and co-creating with our partners.

Revenue Opportunities(Strengthen and Create Businesses)

Toward 2025, we will stabilize earnings in information, energy and mobility sectors, and realize growth through the strengthening of businesses that solve the social issues, whereby contributing to building a society with infrastructure integrating information, energy and mobility. Specifically, to achieve the targets specified in the 2025 Medium-term Plan, and to expand profits in each business, while focusing on Communications Solutions business in particular, we will continue to optimize allocation of investments from the perspective of profitability and growth potential, and accelerate business management and decision-making, including the review of our business portfolio, with a further focus on the cost of capital.

In addition, toward 2030, we realize a leap through the creation of businesses that solve the social issues including the “creation of businesses that support the next generation infrastructure,” which would serve as the foundation of the integrated society of the Vision 2030, and the “creation of environment-friendly businesses,” which contributes to the realization of carbon neutrality and a circular economy. Specifically, to address the needs of the Beyond 5G society, we will take advantage of our photonics and high-frequency technologies to develop optical semiconductor devices towards the realization of photoelectric fusion which is essential in the next generation information communication environment, thus contributing to realizing the all-optical network and a society with highly efficient energy. We will also proceed with joint R&D of products for nuclear fusion power generation, which contributes to the safe and sustainable energy supply. Furthermore, to contribute to realizing the carbon neutrality, we will continue our R&D activities concerning Green LP gas* which does not use fossil resources. In addition, we will suggest the adoption of our digital solutions for operating/maintaining social infrastructure to our customers, and work on the sophistication of such solutions.

* Green LP gas: LP gas produced from biogas (a mixture of methane gas, which is from the fermentation of animal manure and food waste, and carbon dioxide).

Risks(Strengthen the Management Foundation)

As for “developing business activities that consider climate change,” we formulate a climate-related transition plan which is a series of targets and actions to support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Based on the plan, we will implement initiatives toward the carbon neutrality.

In addition, as for “strengthening of human capital and organizational execution abilities, we conduct a survey on human capital and organizational execution abilities, including elements related to employee engagement; and by using it as a monitoring tool, we will strengthen our efforts of human capital management based on “Furukawa Electric Group People Vision“ which is shared beliefs on human capital at both Group and global levels.

As for “Building a governance system to strengthen risk management,” we will strengthen the initiatives related to not only the Furukawa Electric Group’s overall risk management, but also supply chain management and human rights management.

Furukawa Electric Group's Value Creation Process
DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, ものづくり改革本部 安全推進室, ものづくり改革本部 資材部, ものづくり改革本部 品質管理推進室, FTR, 組織開発課, 健康推進センター, 環境部, リスク管理部, 人材・組織開発部 労政課, 人材・組織開発部 システム企画課, 戦略人事部 人事2課, 戦略人事部 人事1課, 人材・組織開発部 人材教育課, 広報部