
Occupational Health and Safety

Basic Approach to Occupational Health and Safety Management

Basic Approach 

In addition to basic legal compliance, Furukawa Electric Group prioritized initiatives that promote "becoming a safety conscious person" and "realizing fundamental safety." Our basic approach is to aim for zero accidents and zero illness through safety activities focusing on three initiatives, that is, safety management in addition to the abovementioned two initiatives.

Basic Policy on Health and Safety Management

  • Endeavor to eradicate accidents by inspections and management in accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act.
  • Nurture safety conscious persons that can notice and avoid danger by pointing & calling and by complying with rules.
  • Realize “fundamental safety” by in which people and facilities are separated to eliminate unsafe conditions.
  • Strengthening of the foundation of safety administration through thorough implementation of basic safety and health activities.
  • Promote mental and physical health improvement by the group’s health management activities.

Promotion System

The Group has established the Furukawa Electric Group Occupational Health & Safety Committee, chaired by the president, as the highest body for promoting occupational health and safety at a group level. The committee membership is composed of executives, and carries out deliberation, decision-making, and follow-up activities on policies and initiatives in health and safety for the entire Group. 

Promotion System

Safety and Health Activities Presentation Meetings

We hold presentation meetings on Furukawa Electric Group’s safety and health activities and awarding the best with commendations. In FY2023, 11 teams were selected from business divisions (including 5 teams from group companies) to give presentations and receive awards from the president.

Safety and Health Activities Presentation

Site Inspections by Officers

Furukawa Electric's safety officers make site inspections at Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. and group companies whenever an accident occurs depending on the safety performance in the previous fiscal year. They confirm how appropriate the safety measures are and what extent the measures have become established. In addition, they exchange opinions on how to promote fundamental safety in order to prevent any recurrences. They conducted site inspections of 6 sites in FY2023, and exchanged opinions. 

Site inspections by officers

The Status of Work Related Accidents

Furukawa Electric's safety performance in FY2023 was six accidents with lost working days, and failed to meet its target of “zero accidents with lost working days”. The frequency rate of accidents resulting in time off work*1 was 0.53 in Furukawa Electric, an increase from last year, while 0.39 in all Group companies in Japan*2, about the same level as last year. Meanwhile, the accident frequency rate in FY2023 for the whole Group including overseas Group companies was 0.34. This included accidents both resulting in and not resulting in time off work. We will continue to work on safety and health activities to achieve zero accidents with lost working days.

Frequency rate of accidents resulting in time off work

*1 Frequency rate = (Number of casualties / Total actual work hours) x 1,000,000

*3 Data on all industries and the whole manufacturing industry is from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare survey results

Targets and Results (Accidents)

  Scope FY 2023 FY 2024
Number of accidents with lost working days Furukawa Electric Target Result Target
Zero Six Zero
DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, ものづくり改革本部 安全推進室


Health and Productivity Management

We promote Health and Productivity Management in which we strategically address our employees’ health management/promotion from a managerial viewpoint.

DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 健康推進センター