
CSR Management

Basic Policy and CSR Code of Conduct

Basic Policy and CSR Code of Conduct

Each of the companies in Furukawa Electric Group develops CSR activities in line with the following Group basic policy.

In order to follow in conducting corporate activities based on Furukawa Electric Group Philosophy and Core Value, the CSR Code of Conduct defines fundamental rules of behavior for Furukawa Electric Group executives and employees from the perspective of corporate social responsibility.

Furukawa Electric Group Basic Policy on CSR (Revised March, 2011)

Based on the Furukawa Electric Group Corporate Philosophy,

  • We will operate our businesses in harmony with society and the environment and endeavor to create social value through technological innovation, complying with laws, social norms, and ethics as a member of the international community.
  • We will strive to maintain and build sound and friendly relationships with all of our stakeholders and contribute to the sustainable development of society.
DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, ものづくり改革本部 安全推進室, ものづくり改革本部 資材部, ものづくり改革本部 品質管理推進室