
Chemical Substance Management

Chemical Substance Management

Basic Approach to Chemical Substance Management

Furukawa Electric Group has incorporated the reduction of environmentally hazardous substances into its Basic Environmental Policy, and works to reduce emissions of hazardous chemical substances in manufacturing processes and to properly manage chemical substances. The Group also works on environment-friendly procurement and management of chemical substances contained in products in compliance with related laws and regulations. We will continue to work to further reduce our environmental impact.

Targets and Results

As a domestic Group activity target for FY2023, we worked to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC). In FY2023, emissions of Furukawa Electric and group companies in Japan increased by 2% from the previous year due to increased production. We will continue to take action to control emissions in our production processes and other activities, as well as reduce the use of target substances.


Appropriate Management of Chemical Substances in Manufacturing Processes

We confirm the handling precautions and applicable laws and regulations for chemical substances used in Furukawa Electric Group manufacturing processes using GHS labels and SDS (safety data sheet), and manage these substances accordingly. Additionally, we work to ascertain the amounts of substances handled, transferred, and released in accordance with the PRTR Law*1.

Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products

Response to Customer Requests

The Group has participated in JAMP*2 since 2009, and implement group-wide environmental inspections based on the latest information from the management target substance list of chemSHERPA*3 by JAMP, regarding management of chemical substances contained in products. We also monitor trends in laws and regulations covering the chemical substances contained in products and accumulate and update data as it becomes available, allowing us to respond promptly to customer requests.

Response to Overseas Regulations and Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products

The Group has established a system for managing chemical substances contained in products at its major bases and group companies. We understand tightened regulations on environmental products and environmental risks that need to be mitigated, and take measures depending on their significance.
In response to compliance with REACH Regulation by EU, which is environmental regulations, in FY2023 we have conducted an environmental inspection of our products for the presence of 240 substances up to the 30th update of SVHC list of REACH. Additionally, we respond to chemSHERPA to meet customers’ requirements for disclosure of chemical substances.

Green Procurement Activities

With regards to procurement of raw materials, components, and intermediate products used in Furukawa Electric Group products, we confirm that suppliers have established management systems for chemical substances contained in products and evaluate how these systems are being operated, based on Green Procurement Guidelines*4 of each business division. We also confirm the survey data of chemical products contained in products based on updated information regarding regulations on chemical substances in products in order to purchase appropriate products.

*1 PRTR Law: Law Concerning Reporting, etc. of Releases to the Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements in Their Management

*2 JAMP: Joint Article Management Promotion-consortium

*3 chemSHERPA stands for "chemical information SHaring and Exchange under Reporting PArtnership in supply chain". This is a joint communication scheme currently operated by JAMP that communicates information on chemical substances contained in products throughout the supply chain, from upstream companies to downstream companies.

*4 The Group has established "Green Procurement Guideline", which indicates that the Group will preferentially and continuously procure environment-friendly products that lead to conservation of biodiversity and forest resource saving, etc.


DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 環境部