
Design of the organization/personnel composition (organization × actions/systems)

Design of the organization / personnel composition (organization × actions / systems)

Basic Policy

Based on the basic policy* (1), “Secure diverse personnel and support the growth of the people who continually take on challenges,” we are developing personnel management initiatives aimed at developing the systems and human resources necessary for our management and business strategies.

Drafting of succession plans and development plans

Succession plans and development plans are formulated and implemented for the purpose of developing management personnel and candidates for general managers of each organization.
With regard to human resources working in management positions, we are promoting the formation of a talent pool using external assessments and are dispatching employees to take part in external training. We are also conducting systemic organizational transfers of personnel, including the assigning of personnel to tough assignments based on development plans. In addition, the Nominating / Compensation Committee, the majority of the members of which consists of Outside Directors, monitors the appropriateness and operational status of the management personnel development system, and systematically works on the appointment of Corporate Vice Presidents and the CEO Succession Plan over the course of several years.

In FY2022, the scope of the Succession Plan was expanded to include general managers, and regular discussions were held between each division and the human resources department regarding the ideal state of things when it comes to organizations and the development of successors which serve to realize our business strategies.

Improvement of Hiring

Mid-career Hiring

In order to secure diverse human resources in an effort to realize our management and business strategies, we have set a target when it comes to new hiring to achieve a ratio of mid-career hires (management, career track, and clerical positions) of at least 30%.
In order to achieve that target, we are strengthening our hiring team structure, expanding our recruitment channels, reviewing our recruitment processes, and streamlining our onboarding program. In doing so, we are working hard to prevent situations where new hires end up being unsuitable for the role in question, to provide support so as to ensure that new hires quickly become acclimatized to their role, and to ensure their retention.

Hiring of New Graduates

In addition to changes in the hiring environment, students’ attitudes toward employment are also changing. The competition for talent is also becoming more intense. As part of our efforts to make our company more appealing to students, we have introduced a “course-based hiring” system which puts a limit to some extent on the jobs made available at the time of their initial assignment. Limiting the types of jobs to which we assign new hires serves to enhance the clarity of their career paths. We do this to make it easier to provide the employee with an image of what their individual growth could look like. We will also be promoting the acquisition of talented people with diverse sets of ideas.

Indicators and targets

  Indicator Result  Target
(★:Sustainability indicator*1) FY2022 FY2023 FY2025 FY2030
Furukawa Electric Ratio of mid-career hires to total new staff hires*2 46% Maintain around 30% Maintain around 30%

*2 As of March 31, the end of fiscal year

DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 人材・組織開発部 労政課