
Basic Policy, System, Target, and Result

Basic Policy and Promotion System on Diversity&Inclusion

Based on the policy of “secure diverse personnel and support the growth of people who continually take on challenges” Furukawa Electric Group promotes to develop corporate culture that accepts and makes use of diverse human resources. Placing Diversity&Inclusion (hereinafter, D&I) as an important element in " Strengthening human capital and organizational execution abilities", we have established “HK* and D&I Committee”, which reports directly to the President, and actively expand company-wide initiatives intended for women, employees with disabilities, non-Japanese employees, and mid-career hires.

HK: Hatarakikata Kaikaku, or work style reform

Policy on initiative regarding D&I

In order to strengthen D&I, we will take initiatives comprehensively from aspects such as recruitment, job assignment and training, and work environment improvement.

  • Recruitment: Strengthen recruitment capabilities to enhance the internal talent pool for managerial positions
  • Job assignment and training: Incorporating efforts to improve diversity into succession plans and talent development plans considering our business strategy
  • Work environment improvement: Proactively promote HR system development, change of thinking, and work style reform to accept diverse people and workstyle

Women's Empowerment

Basic Concept

In light of women’s influence on discussions and decision-making, we implement initiatives to enrich human capital from recruitment to the development of persons who play central roles. We keep in mind that 30% of management positions are held by women as the future target, which is generally said to the minimum ratio for affecting decision-making.

Policy on the Initiatives

  • Strengthen to recruit new graduates
  • Strengthen to recruit women in managerial positions in mid-hires 
Job assignment and training
  • Expand assigned posts affirmatively
  • Prioritize training and promotion plans(individual and mid to long-term human resources development of candidates, active promotion, etc.)
Work environment improvement
  • Prepare good business environment and system(promote work style reform, improve facilities at works)
  • Address the change of thinking(eliminate unconscious bias, etc.)

Targets and Results

  Result in FY2022 Target for FY2025
Share of women in new hires*1 27% 40%
Share of women in chief positions (candidates for managerial positions)*2
12% 15%
Share of women in managerial positions*2*3 4.8% 7%

*1 This is intended for career track and clerical positions, as of April 1 in each fiscal year.

*2 As of March 31 in each fiscal year

Achievements and targets

Achievements in FY2022 Targets for FY2023
  • Implemented a leadership training program through cross-industrial exchange
  • Dispatched female engineers as lecturers for career talks at girls' high schools
  • Held coaching sessions for individual training for the development of female managers
  • Set goals for each department to increase the number of female managers and organized issues and measures to achieve them through departmental discussions
  • Provide training opportunities for management candidates (e.g., dispatch to joint training programs in different industries)
  • Dispatch instructors for career education for junior high and high school students
  • Hold Riko-challe* events sponsored by the Cabinet Office
  • Coach individuals for the career development of female managers
  • Formulate and implement individual development plans to expand placement and promotion

Riko-challe: an event to encourage girls in junior high and high school to select their university course majoring in science and engineering 

Employment of people with disabilities 

Basic Concept

The Group aims to create a situation where the statutory employment rate can be stably carried out while anticipating an increase in the rate.

Policy on the Initiatives

  • Strengthen functions of Furukawa New Leaf (special subsidiary company)
  • Expand direct employment by Furukawa Electric 
Job assignment and training
  • Expand job assignment positively
  • Enhance business support system
Work environment improvement
  • Provide a comfortable working environment and system(Utilize remote work system, improve facilities in the office, etc.) 

Targets and Results

  Result in FY2022 Target for FY2025
Share of people with disabilities 2.35%

Note: As of June 1 in each fiscal year

Achievements and targets

Achievements in FY2022 Targets for FY2023
  • Employed people with intellectual disabilities at Furukawa New Leaf, a special subsidiary company
  • Directly recruited by Furukawa Electric (2 new recruitments in FY2022)
  • Increased the actual employment rate (2.32% in FY2021 to 2.35% in FY2022)
  • Continue recruitment by Furukawa Electric
  • Expand job assignment positively
  • Hold events such as lectures for the purpose of promoting better understanding among employees

Employment of global talent

Basic Concept

We realize the right person for the right place from a global perspective, in terms of demand in each business strategy and strengthening management capabilities. 

Policy on the Initiatives

  • Strengthen recruitment channels
  • Grasp global talents within the group and utilize
Job assignment and training
  • Formulate a plan of the development of global talents aligned with a business strategy 
Work environment improvement
  • Set HR management policy in the group and globally

Achievements and targets

Achievement in FY2022Target for FY2023
Target for FY2025

Implemented global mindset program for global talent development training

Implement global mindset program for global talent development training Identify posts for global talent considering business strategies and formulate a plan for recruitment and development of global talent

Employment of mid-career hires

Basic Concept

We actively promote mid-career hires of diverse human resources to strengthen expertise and accelerate the diversification of perspectives.

Policy on the Initiatives

  • Expand recruitment channels and strengthen the recruitment function
  • Utilize referral recruitment and reemployment of people who reached retirement age
  • Improve our recognition and corporate image
Job assignment and training
  • Formulate a plan of talent assignment aligned with business strategies (Understand the needs of people with highly specialized skill, etc.)
  • Enhance an onboarding program for new recruits
 Work environment improvement
  • Build a more flexible HR system

Targets and Results

  Result in FY 2022Target for FY2025
Share of mid-career hires in total new hires*1*2  45.7% Maintain around 30%

*1 New hires represent new graduates and mid-career hires, covering management, career-track, and clerical positions.

*2 As of March 31 in each fiscal year

Achievements and targets

Achievement in FY2022 Target for FY2023 
  • Strengthened recruitment strategy aligned with our business strategies
  • Expanded recruitment channels
  • Worked on initiatives to improve our recognition and corporate image through TV ads, etc.
  • Strengthen recruitment channels
  • Implement a public relations strategy to improve our recognition and the corporate image 

Promote flexible work styles

Achievements and targets

Achievement in FY2022Target for FY2023
Target for FY2025
  • Sent out messages to promote  new work styles that make most of remote work in times of post-corona
  • Continuously implemented in-house side job system
  • Conducted an in-house lecture about D&I on the theme of "Making Diverse Values a Strength for the Organization
  • Implemented a seminar on family care
  • Introduced a system of childcare leave at birth for fathers 
  • Promote work style reforms to improve productivity by making most of remote work, promoting DX, etc.
  • Expand an in-house side job system and introduce an internal recruitment system
  • Consider the ideal form of childcare leave and measures to promote it 
  • Support flexible work style and work-life balance
  • Expand remote work system 
  • Continuously provide education to raise awareness of accepting diverse human resources and flexible work styles 

Diversity and Inclusion Awareness and Education

  • Change of thinking and behavior in the management (implementation of executive study group and e-learning)
  • Implementation of human rights education for newly appointed executives, newly appointed managers, and new employees 
  • Distribution of articles via intranet
  • Implementation of employee awareness survey
  • Implementation of e-learning (themes: LGBTQ, harassment prevention, etc.)
  • Holding in-house events

Special lecture by Yukiko Yabu, Outside director

Special lecture by Hiromi Ohashi, Senior Fellow

DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 組織開発課