
Human Resources Management

Basic Policy

We have positioned “Furukawa Electric Group Vision for Our People” as our ideal state of people and organization toward achieving “Furukawa Electric Group Purpose”. The growth of each and every one of our diverse personnel is the driving force behind the success of our Group, and we aim for the growth of both individual and the organization through teamwork to produce results.

Promotion System

“Strengthening human capital and organizational execution ability,” risk-related material issues, are not only management risks for our Group, but also the most important key management issues directly related to management strategy, we have established a system for executing personnel strategies, headed by the General Manager of the Strategy Division (CSO). The issues are executed, discussed and resolved at the Management Committee.

For individual theme directly related to management issues, we establish committees chaired by the president or CSO to formulate strategies, determine activity plans, and promote implementation of measures“—Professional Appointment Committee” to certify highly specialized personnel, “HK(*) and D&I Committees” to promote work-style reform, diversity & inclusion and other measures, and Furukawa Electric Group Occupational Health and Safety Committee” on occupational health and safety.

The status of these operations is regularly reported to and shared with the Board of Directors.
In FY2023, the Management Committee reported and discussed 14 topics related to personnel policies including engagement, reskilling measures, introduction of internal recruitment from the viewpoint of self-directed career development, the ideal state of organizations, including a review of the standards for establishing organizations.

HK:Hatarakikata Kaikaku, or work-style reform

Human Resource Management Strategy

In the implementation of our management and business strategies, we will coordinate our growth vectors through dialogue so that both individuals and organizations can improve their performance, grow, solve social issues, and achieve “Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030”.

Framework of Specific Activities to Develop People and Organization

To develop individuals and organizations, being attractive individuals and organization are indispensable. An organization creates workplaces where individuals motivate their abilities and pass them on to others, and supports their development so that they can play active roles in the organization. We aim to make individuals feel attracted to the place (organization and working environment) and continue to excel at work, leading to the sustainable growth and success of the organization. To achieve these goals, we will work on people and organization based on six perspectives, grasping the overall image of our activities and promoting conscious remedial measures in the course of our daily business activities.

Management of Risks Related to People and Organizations

Since FY2022, the Group has conducted the Furukawa E-Survey, a survey on human capital and organizational execution abilities. We visualize human capital and organizational execution abilities, and the results are reported and discussed at the Management Committee’s annual meetings. We then promote the reduction of risks and capturing of revenue opportunities through the PDS cycle, in which we reflect improvement measures based on the results in our business activities. In addition, “employee engagement score” in the Furukawa E-Survey is set as a sustainability indicator, and the Sustainability Committee follows up on progress and response measures. We appropriately execute such risk assessments on a regular basis and reflect the results in our initiatives for various measures while revising our risk perception each time. 

PDS cycle:Plan Do See cycle

Indicators and Targets

We set sustainability indicators and targets for “strengthening human capital and organizational execution abilities” aiming to achieve the Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030  and the Medium-term Management Plan 2022–2025 (the “2025 Medium-term Plan”).

  1. *1The scope was expanded to cover all group companies in Japan and abroad in FY2023, and the target was changed from the Company’s target to the Group’s target in FY2024 or after.
  2. *2New hires represent new graduates and mid-career hires, covering management, career-track, and clerical positions.
  3. *3This means that about 30% will be maintained in each fiscal year.


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